A. Officers
i. Sarah Cohen, president, [email protected]
ii. Hannah Katcoff, vice president, [email protected]
iii. Rebecca Drowos, secretary/treasurer, [email protected]

What is CAC?
A. The American Cancer Society Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is a nationwide collaboration of college students, faculty, and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by initiating and supporting programs that pertain to cancer Education, Advocacy, Survivorship and Relay for Life.
B. Education
i. Adapt and promote programs of the American Cancer Society directly for college students
ii.Focus on cancer prevention and early detection
iii.Promote awareness
iv. Past events
1. Great American Smoke-Out
2. Chums Coffeehouse
3. In the Family Film Screening
C. Survivorship
i. Connect to Brandeis survivors
ii.Create programs to reach out to the Brandeis survivors
1. It’s important to know that one is considered a survivor as soon as they are diagnosed with cancer – you can call the ACS hotline for more information
iii. Past events
1. Hope Lodge visits
a. Hope Lodge is a place where families can stay while one of their members is undergoing cancer treatment
2. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk
3. Daffodil Days with Waltham Group
D. Advocacy
i. Work with elected officials and campus administration to influence policymaking
ii.Encourage participation in petitions and lobbies
iii. Past events
1. Picture a Cure
2. Lobby Day
a. Group trip to Boston to state Senate to change legislation
3. ACS CAN (American Cancer Society, Cancer Advocacy Network)
E. Relay For Life
i. Signature fundraiser of the American Cancer Society
ii. Friends form teams and participate in an all-night fundraiser
iii. Planning will start later in the fall with the help of the Relay For Life Planning Committee
iv. Information on Relay will be sent out through the CAC list-serve
v. While CAC and Relay for Life do go hand-in-hand, they are separate committees. However everyone is welcome to participate in both CAC and Relay for Life.
vi. Co-Chairs are Sarah Cohen and Nikki Rybko

Goals for this year’s CAC
A. To get chartered by Brandeis!
i. This way, we can get funding from the University for our projects
B. Improve campus smoking regulations and awareness
i. New signs have been put up around campus that states that you have to be 30 feet away from buildings when smoking
ii.We would like to create a committee to work on this (November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month)
C. Create committees for specific event planning
D. Sarah Koenig will be designing t-shirts for CAC
i. If you’d like to help or get involved, her email is [email protected]

A. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
i. October 3rd in Boston
ii.Form committees for October events, can meet in our meeting room, Shapiro Campus Center 313
B. Breast Cancer Awareness Event
i. Committees for this
ii.Boob cookies – sugar cookies with pink and white icing on it
1. We sell these to raise money for Breast Cancer awareness

A. We have a new website! Check it out!
B. www.cacbrandeis.weebly.com
C. Can find it through the Brandeis website and going to the club center, where this
link will be listed under the CAC area

A. We will be holding elections for Education, Survivorship, and Advocacy Chairs
on September 15th, at our regular meeting place and time
B. If you are interested in running, email the president, Sarah Cohen,
[email protected], by Monday, September 13th
C. Education Chair
i. Is on top of all education events
D. Survivorship Chair
i. Plan trips to Hope Lodge
E. Advocacy Chair
i. Picture for a Cure
F. If you do not run for one of the chair positions, you can still help with events and
with planning events that you may be interested in

Opening Event
A. Pizza Party!
i. When: Sunday, September 5th
ii.Where: Ridgewood A Commons
iii. What: Set goals, get to know each other, explain things

Next meeting: Wednesday, September 15th, at 9 pm in Shapiro Campus Center room 313

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