I. Welcome!  Packets were handed out with CAC information to anyone who wasn't at the pizza party.

II.  Elections
A.Congratulations to our new CAC Committee Chairs!
1. Advocacy Chair: Michelle Hack
2. Education Chair: Amanda Dryer
3. Survivorship Chair: Rachel Danzig

III. Constitutional Amendments
A. In order to get chartered by Brandeis and receive funding from the university, we needed to complete several tasks.  One of them was to have an updated club Constitution.  Since we have not had need of a treasurer before (as we had no funding), we now needed to add the treasurer position to our Constitution.  So, the group took a vote on the amendment of the treasurer position, and it passed unanimously!  Thank you to everyone who voted and supported the new amendment!  Hopefully we will be chartered soon!

IV. Making Strides
A. Making Strides is a Breast Cancer Awareness walk in Boston that will take place on October 3, 2010
1. It is an American Cancer Society event
2. It is a way to join with the Boston community to aid in the fight against Breast Cancer
3. There is no registration fee and transportation to and from the event (which will be on a Sunday morning - the 3rd - for several hours) is currently being planned
4. If you would like to join the team, there is a facebook group for it with more information
i. Anyone can join the team, not only members of CAC
5. There will be tabling during the last week of September (Sept. 27-Oct. 1) to help raise money for the event
i. The tabling schedule will be sent out through an email, and there are still time slots that we need volunteers to table for, so please sign-up if you can!
6. If you have any questions about this event, contact Michelle Hack

V. Breast Cancer Awareness
A. Paint the Campus Pink
1. During one week in October, we will attempt to make the campus as pink as possible to raise awareness for Breast Cancer
B. There are several other events for the month of October that we will discuss at our next CAC meeting

VI. Coffeehouse
A. Coffeehouses take place in Chums, a lounge-like area in the Castle.  They are a popular way to hold a fundraiser, or to promote a show, to introduce a new music group on campus, etc.
B. CAC will have a Chum's Coffeehouse on November 4th, 2010
C. Rachel Miller has already volunteered to spearhead our Coffeehouse, so at our next meetings, we will discuss what we will do at the event and what acts we may have appearing

There will be no CAC meetings for the next two weeks due to the upcoming holidays.  However, we still have the room booked for the club, so if committees want to meet, or anyone wants to meet to discuss CAC business, or if anyone just wants to come and use it for homework or something, it will be open from 9-10 pm for the next two Wednesday nights.

Our next CAC meeting will be on October 6th, 2010

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